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Fall 30 Day TerraCleanse - Starts Oct 1st 2020
Start Here (1:49)
Your Why
Your Promise
Health Assessment
Fitness Evaluation
TerraCleanse OVERVIEW
Supplements OVERVIEW
BONUS: 8 Health and Fitness Values You Should Keep Track Of (30:51)
Facebook Group
Q&A Coaching Calls
DAYS 1 - 10
Days 1 - 10 Cleanse Journal (12:35)
Health Habits and Daily Routines (9:30)
Days 1 - 10 Cleanse Supplements (9:49)
Days 1 - 10 Meditation
Days 1 - 10 Workout (17:29)
What To Eat: Meal Planning, Shopping and Recipes
TerraCleanse 1 Week Menu Guide
TerraCleanse Minimal Cooking (3 day) Guide
Your Biggest Wins, Insights and Take-Aways from Days 1 - 10.
BONUS: Water (6:53)
BONUS: Caffeine
DAYS 11 - 20
Days 11 - 20 Cleanse Journal
Days 11 - 20 Meditation
Days 11 - 20 Workout (15:34)
Days 11 - 20 Cleanse Supplements
Your Biggest Wins, Insights, and Take-Aways from Days 11 - 20.
ACCELERATED DAYS 15 - 20 PROTOCOL (only for repeat cleansers)
BONUS: 9 Health Conditions that Can Affect Weight (15:09)
BONUS: How to Deal with Cravings (17:04)
DAYS 21 - 30
Days 21 - 30 Cleanse Journal
Days 21 - 30 Meditation
Your Biggest Wins, Insights, and Take-Aways from Days 21 - 30.
Days 21 - 30 Supplements
BONUS: 8 Medications that Can Cause Weight Gain (10:32)
TerraCleanse Survival Guides
Days 11 - 20 Workout
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